Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #6
/"Expelled From The Garden"
THE SMASH HIT OF 2014 BECOMES THE GREATEST COMIC OF 2015! If you thought the war between G.I. JOE and the TRANSFORMERS was out of control before... well, brothers and sisters--wait'll you get a load of issue 6!
Written By: Tom Scioli and John Barber
Art By: Tom Scioli
Colors and Letters By: Tom Scioli
Editor: Carlos Guzman
Cover A Art By: Tom Scioli
Page Count: 29 Pages
Purchase A Digital Copy Of This Issue Here
"You're an impressive specimen, Optimus. Imagine what you could accomplish with my high I.Q."
—Doctor Venom
Cover Gallery
Cover A: Tom Scioli
Cover RE-A: Jamie Tyndall-Ula Mos
Sub Cover: Dave Crosland
Cover RE-B: Derek Charm
Cover RI: Antonio Fuso