The Transformers: Stormbringer #1
/For those of you craving unchecked, giant robot action on an epic scale, look no further than this special space epic. In "Infiltration," we had tantalizing hints about the state of play elsewhere in the TRANSFORMERS universe, but now we look in on CYBERTRON itself, unlocking a dark, dark chapter in the planet's history, one that is about to hit the AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS again... full force! By the Beast Wars team supreme of Simon Furman and Don Figueroa.
Written By; Simon Furman
Art By; Don Figueroa
Colors By: Josh Burcham
Letters By: Robbie Robbins
Edits By: Chris Ryall and Dan Taylor
Published: July 19, 2006
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Cover A: Don Figueroa and Josh Burcham
Cover B: Don Figueroa
Cover RI: Don Figueroa