The Transformers: All Hail Megatron #15
/The redefined characters of KUP and PERCEPTOR take center stage as we see how Kup recovered from his insanity (as well as his near-death experience), courtesy of Spotlight: Kup writer/artist Nick Roche, and what led Perceptor to reject science and take up snipering!
Written By: Nick Roche and James Roberts "Everything in Its Right Place" Denton J. Tipton "Lost & Found"
Art By: Nick Roche "Everything in Its Right Place" Casey Coller "Lost & Found"
Colors By: Kris Carter "Everything in Its Right Place" Joana Lafuente "Lost & Found"
Letters By: Chris Mowry
Edits By: Andy Schmidt
Published: September 16, 2009
Cover A: Nick Roche and Kris Carter
Cover B: Casey Coller and Joana Lafuente
Cover RI: Trevor Huctchison